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Noget for alle

Vi har samarbejdet med verdens førende sociale iværksættere, for at give dig utallige måder at forbedre dit samfund på
  • Pop Up Museum

    Bring people together in conversation through stories, art, and objects.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Challenge

    Led et praktisk STEM-program (Science, Technology, Engineering og Math) i din skole eller dit lokalsamfund for 9-14-årige

  • Initiatives for Sharing

    With Initiatives for Sharing, children and teenagers learn project management tools to launch their own community development initiatives, ultimately empowering them as agents of change.

  • Lunch Out of Landfills

    Through waste sorts, Sharetables, and education around composting and waste management, students make their school a centre of changing norms around food waste and food redistribution with the guidance of a Staff Champion who receives a stipend and support every step of the way.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Discover

    Led et praktisk STEM-program (naturvidenskab, teknologi, ingeniørvidenskab og matematik) på din skole eller i dit lokalsamfund for 4-6-årige børn.

  • Urban Thinkscape

    Forvandl et offentligt rum i dit lokalsamfund, til en glædelig læringsmulighed.

  • Hour of Code

    Organiser en Hour of Code™ og deltag i en global bevægelse, der introducerer millioner af elever verden over til computervidenskab.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Explore

    Led et praktisk STEM-program (Science, Technology, Engineering og Math) i din skole eller dit lokalsamfund for 6-10-årige

  • Welcoming Week

    Build Common Ground in Your Community by Hosting a Welcoming Week Event.

  • Leg med tillid

    Playing With Trust er et meget unikt brætspil/digitalt spil, som opfordre til brug af offentlige rum som legepladser

  • Better Block Parklet

    Expand public or private space with these digitally fabricated parklets.

  • Girls Who Code

    Start a Girls Who Code Club in your community and get girls excited about coding and computer science.

  • The Last Plastic Straw

    Start a grassroots campaign to reduce and eliminate wasteful plastic straws from our communities.

  • Rigamajig

    Bringing Rigamajig to Communities Worldwide

  • Generation Citizen

    Teach teens how to work with local leaders and take effective political action to fix local problems.

  • International Coastal Cleanup®

    Ready to #SeaTheChange and organize your own cleanup?

  • Pop-Up Play Spaces NYC

    Pop-up play spaces provide the joy of unstructured play to the children of NYC.

  • EasyPeasy-forældregruppe

    Start din egen EasyPeasy-forældregruppe, for at samle venner og familie i dit lokalsamfund, så i kan dele forældretips, ideer og legeinspiration

  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • Sow it Forward

    Start a vertical school garden in your classroom to give kids access to fresh produce and to learn about growing food.

  • Earth Cubs Plogging Clubs

    Bring climate, sustainability and environmental education into your local schools, and enhance community impact with your own Plogging Club!

  • Community Composting

    Divert your community's food waste from landfill, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions

  • Open Orchard

    Organiser en åben frugtplantage for at bringe folk sammen, give gratis frugt til lokale beboere og gøre vores bymiljøer grønne.

  • Welcome Dinner

    Welcome new arrivals with dinner in your community. Join a welcoming movement built around food, language and social interaction.

  • TreePlanters

    Get hands-on education and support to plant trees in your neighborhood with your neighbors.

  • EasyPeasy for Practitioners

    Discover the power to create lasting impact in the lives of young learners and their families through EasyPeasy

  • Fraction Ball

    Fraction Ball genoptegner linjerne på en almindelig basketballbane, for at hjælpe børn med at lære brøker og decimaltal.

  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • Legedag

    En legende begivenhed i lokalsamfund, der hylder de færdigheder, ressourcer og personligheder, der er iboende for de mennesker, der bor og leger der.

  • Eartheasy skolehave

    Lær, hvordan du starter en skolehave med henblik på undervisning, spisning og sjov, lige fra at danne en havekomité til at være vært for en "grave-dag" på hele skolen.

  • Let Grow Play Club

    Start din egen Play Club og føl kraften af selvstændig leg!

  • Bee Friendly Farming

    Promote pollinator health on your farm and receive recognition and consumer support for it.


    Gør hverdags steder til legepladser, gennem Play Everywhere.

  • Outdoor Club

    Adventure Beyond the Classroom

  • Chicago River Cleanup

    Organize a river cleanup in your community or workplace and help to keep the Chicago River litter free.

  • Walking School Bus

    Organize a Walking School Bus in your local area for a healthier, more fun way for kids to get to and from school.

  • Pollinator Partnership

    Invite pollinators to your neighborhood by planting a pollinator friendly habitat in your garden, farm, school, park or just about anywhere!

  • River Cleanup

    A community based initiative aiming to clean and maintain local rivers

  • Welcome In

    Welcome immigrants to your community through conversational English classes

  • Trade School

    Create an alternative learning community to share skills and talents in your community.

  • Building School Gardens

    Use school grounds to develop a sense of place and connection to the environment for urban dwellers.

  • Peace First

    Equip young people with the skills and commitment to solve problems with courage, compassion and collaboration

  • Nüdel Kart

    Gør kreativitet, STEM og velvære til topprioriteter ved at forvandle ethvert rum til en kreativ legeplads, med løst legetøj for 3-12-årige.

  • Sambusa Sunday

    Community gatherings to build bridges and overcome division

  • Neighborhood Forest

    Growing the Indoor Forest – Building, Sharing, and Caring for Indoor Plants

  • Grow Remote

    We're on a mission to make remote employment visible and available in local communities, regardless of location

  • Rooted in Cheyenne

    Cultivating a greener, healthier and more livable community by planting trees as we all stay at home

  • SOUP

    Host a regular micro-granting dinner to celebrate and support creative projects in your community.

  • Urban Forestry

    Bring people together in your neighborhood to plant trees for the benefit of your community and the environment.

  • CoderDojo

    Teach kids in your community to code in a fun and collaborative environment

  • Playground Ideas

    Build a playground wherever you are, using local tools, materials, and skills

  • Recycle Across America

    Start recycling right with standardized recycling labels for your school that will help you to improve recycling and save your school money.

  • Tales-værktøjskasse

    Interaktivt, børnestyret historiefortællingsværktøj til skoler, som transformerer hverdagssituationer til fantasifulde verdener.

Tilgængelige midler i nærheden af dig

Vi er gået sammen med partnere for at give den finansiering, du har brug for, for at bringe effektfulde projekter til dit samfund
