ER Teens by Earth Rangers

Earth Rangers will guide you through identifying, planning, and executing an environmental project that will bring positive change to your community.


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ER Teens by Earth Rangers


ER Teens by Earth Rangers "Welcome to ER Teens! Let's get started. We can't wait to hear more about your community and how you can create real, positive environmental change!" - Stephanie Doyle & Ashley Harricharan

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Chi? Qualcuno che...

Checklist risorse


The time commitment can vary a lot, depending on your project. Each project must be completed within 3 months.

Tell us your idea, or brainstorm with our team once you're approved!

Do you see an environmental problem somewhere in your community? Maybe there's litter in the local ravine, a lack of green space, or diesel school buses are idling outside your school and polluting the air. Let's talk about your community and what can be done to improve ecosystems and help fight climate change. Do you already have an idea? Great! Not sure where to start? We'll help you brainstorm your final idea once you're approved. If you're not sure which idea to apply with, take a look at the projects for inspiration listed in the resources section!

Identify teammates, partners, and supports

Maybe you're a mighty team of 5, or maybe you want to get the community, local businesses, government officials, or more teens involved! We'll help you make it happen.

Remember, one of your team members must be an adult in your life. 

Create a project plan

Use our resources and templates to plan out your project, including timelines, budget, a communication plan, and how you will measure success. We'll help make sure your project is do-able and gets to the root of the environmenal issue in your community.

Launch your project

It's go time! Execute your project and make a difference in the world. We know you can do it!

You did it!

Hug a tree today, and you might just feel it hug you back. You made planet Earth a little bit better!

Report back on your results, and we'll help you communicate them to the world. We can also sign off on the hours spent planning and executing your project, if you'd like to put them towards volunteer requirements. Thank you for being amazing!
