Location icon Izimali ezibukhoma eduze nawe Faka isicelo

Okuthile kwawo wonke umuntu

Sihlanganyele nosomabhizinisi abaphezulu bezenhlalo emhlabeni ukuze sikulethele izindlela eziningi zokuthuthukisa umphakathi wakho
  • Better Block Parklet

    Expand public or private space with these digitally fabricated parklets.

  • Fraction Ball

    iFraction Ball ipenda kabusha imigqa enkundleni ye basketball evamile ukuze isize izingane zifunde izingxenyana namadesimali.

  • Building School Gardens

    Use school grounds to develop a sense of place and connection to the environment for urban dwellers.

  • CoderDojo

    Teach kids in your community to code in a fun and collaborative environment

  • Rigamajig

    Bringing Rigamajig to Communities Worldwide

  • Community Composting

    Divert your community's food waste from landfill, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions

  • SOUP

    Host a regular micro-granting dinner to celebrate and support creative projects in your community.

  • Bee Friendly Farming

    Promote pollinator health on your farm and receive recognition and consumer support for it.

  • Eartheasy School Garden

    From launching your garden committee to hosting a school-wide ‘dig day’, learn how to start a school garden for education, eating, and fun.

  • Play Day

    A playful event in communities that celebrates the skills, resources and personalities inherent to the people that live and play there.


    Shintsha izindawo zansuku zonke zibe yizindawo zokudlala nge Play Everywhere.

  • Recycle Across America

    Start recycling right with standardized recycling labels for your school that will help you to improve recycling and save your school money.

  • Hour of Code

    Organize an Hour of Code™ and join a global movement introducing tens of millions of students worldwide to computer science.

  • Initiatives for Sharing

    With Initiatives for Sharing, children and teenagers learn project management tools to launch their own community development initiatives, ultimately empowering them as agents of change.

  • Rooted in Cheyenne

    Cultivating a greener, healthier and more livable community by planting trees as we all stay at home

  • Tales Toolkit

    Interactive, child-led storytelling toolkit for schools transforming everyday situations into imaginative worlds.

  • Welcome In

    Welcome immigrants to your community through conversational English classes

  • Nüdel Kart

    Make creativity, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and well being top priorities by transforming any space into a creative, loose parts, play space for 3-12 year olds.

  • Grow Remote

    We're on a mission to make remote employment visible and available in local communities, regardless of location

  • FIRST LEGO League - Challenge

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 9-14 year olds

  • iUrban Thinkscape

    Guqula indawo yomphakathi emphakathini wakho ube yithuba lokufunda elijabulisayo.

  • Imibono yenkundla yemidlalo

    Yakha inkundla yokudlala noma ngabe ukuphi, usebenzisa amathuluzi endawo, izinto zokwakha, namakhono

  • Sambusa Sunday

    Community gatherings to build bridges and overcome division

  • Neighborhood Forest

    Growing the Indoor Forest – Building, Sharing, and Caring for Indoor Plants

  • Parent Meet-Ups

    Bring together parents and caregivers from your community by starting a meet up to share parenting tips, ideas and play inspiration

  • Lunch Out of Landfills

    Through waste sorts, Sharetables, and education around composting and waste management, students make their school a centre of changing norms around food waste and food redistribution with the guidance of a Staff Champion who receives a stipend and support every step of the way.

  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • Peace First

    Equip young people with the skills and commitment to solve problems with courage, compassion and collaboration

  • Welcome Dinner

    Welcome new arrivals with dinner in your community. Join a welcoming movement built around food, language and social interaction.

  • EasyPeasy for Practitioners

    Discover the power to create lasting impact in the lives of young learners and their families through EasyPeasy

  • Sow it Forward

    Start a vertical school garden in your classroom to give kids access to fresh produce and to learn about growing food.

  • Generation Citizen

    Teach teens how to work with local leaders and take effective political action to fix local problems.

  • Walking School Bus

    Organize a Walking School Bus in your local area for a healthier, more fun way for kids to get to and from school.

  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • Urban Forestry

    Bring people together in your neighborhood to plant trees for the benefit of your community and the environment.

  • FIRST LEGO League - Discover

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year olds.

  • Let Grow Play Club

    Start your own Play Club, and unleash the power of unstructured play!

  • Open Orchard

    Organise an Open Orchard to bring people together, provide free fruit to local residents and green our urban environments.

  • TreePlanters

    Get hands-on education and support to plant trees in your neighborhood with your neighbors.

  • Pollinator Partnership

    Invite pollinators to your neighborhood by planting a pollinator friendly habitat in your garden, farm, school, park or just about anywhere!

  • Chicago River Cleanup

    Organize a river cleanup in your community or workplace and help to keep the Chicago River litter free.

  • Music Will

    Music Will (formerly Little Kids Rock) gets kids playing the music they know and love within minutes of picking up an instrument.

  • The Last Plastic Straw

    Start a grassroots campaign to reduce and eliminate wasteful plastic straws from our communities.

  • International Coastal Cleanup®

    Ready to #SeaTheChange and organize your own cleanup?

  • Pop Up Museum

    Bring people together in conversation through stories, art, and objects.

  • Pop-Up Play Spaces NYC

    Pop-up play spaces provide the joy of unstructured play to the children of NYC.

  • Welcoming Week

    Build Common Ground in Your Community by Hosting a Welcoming Week Event.

  • Ukudlala ngokuthembana

    IPlaying With Trust wumdlalo webhodi/umdlalo wedijithali ohluke kakhulu okhuthaza ukusetshenziswa okudlalwayo kwezikhala zomphakathi

  • River Cleanup

    A community based initiative aiming to clean and maintain local rivers

  • FIRST® LEGO League - Explore

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 6–10 year olds

  • Amantshontsho Omhlaba Ama-Plogging Clubs

    Letha isimo sezulu, ukusimama kanye nemfundo yezemvelo ezikoleni zangakini, futhi uthuthukise umthelela womphakathi nge-Plogging Club yakho!

  • Outdoor Club

    Adventure Beyond the Classroom

  • Girls Who Code

    Start a Girls Who Code Club in your community and get girls excited about coding and computer science.

  • Trade School

    Create an alternative learning community to share skills and talents in your community.

Izimali ezibukhoma eduze nawe

Sihlanganyele nozakwethu ukuze sikunikeze uxhaso oludingayo ukuze ulethe amaphrojekthi anomthelela emphakathini wakho
