Location icon International Day of Play Community Fund UK Utforska

Något för alla

Vi samarbetar med världens främsta sociala entreprenörer för att ge dig mängder av sätt att förbättra ditt lokalsamhälle
  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • Open Orchard

    Arrangera en Open Orchard för att föra människor samman, tillhandahålla gratis frukt till människor i området och skapa gröna stadsmiljöer.

  • Cycle Bus UK

    A community based initiative promoting active travel by bike for school children.

  • Urban Thinkscape

    Förvandla ett offentligt plats i ditt lokalsamhälle till en glädjefylld inlärningsmöjlighet.

  • Playground Ideas

    Build a playground wherever you are, using local tools, materials, and skills

  • Nüdel Kart

    Make creativity, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) and well being top priorities by transforming any space into a creative, loose parts, play space for 3-12 year olds.

  • Play Day

    A playful event in communities that celebrates the skills, resources and personalities inherent to the people that live and play there.

  • Parent Meet-Ups

    Bring together parents and caregivers from your community by starting a meet up to share parenting tips, ideas and play inspiration

  • My Mini Wild Space

    Create a mini meadow, wild space or forest school in your garden. For Schools, Churches, All Community groups

International Day of Play Community Fund UK

ChangeX have teamed up with the LEGO Foundation to launch a $500,000 fund to celebrate International Day of Play.
