Location icon International Day of Play Community Fund UK Presentar solicitud

Algo para todos

Nos asociamos con los mejores emprendedores sociales del mundo para proporcionar innumerables maneras de mejorar tu comunidad.
  • Playworks

    Leverage evidence-based play strategies to transform the culture of your recess, classroom, or youth program!

  • Arboles Frutales

    Habilita un huerto de árboles frutales para unir a las personas y reverdecer nuestros entornos urbanos.

  • Cycle Bus UK

    A community based initiative promoting active travel by bike for school children.

  • GROW at School

    Teaching kids the lifelong skill of growing their own food

  • Urban Thinkscape

    Transform a public space in your community into a joyful learning opportunity.

  • Playground Ideas

    Build a playground wherever you are, using local tools, materials, and skills

  • Nüdel Kart

    Haz que la creatividad, las ciencias, la tecnología y el bienestar sean las principales prioridades transformando cualquier espacio en un lugar de juego creativo y relajado para niños de 3 a 12 años.

  • Play Day

    A playful event in communities that celebrates the skills, resources and personalities inherent to the people that live and play there.

  • Parent Meet-Ups

    Bring together parents and caregivers from your community by starting a meet up to share parenting tips, ideas and play inspiration

  • Huerto escolar Eartheasy

    Desde lanzar tu comité de jardinería hasta organizar un "día de excavación" en toda la escuela, aprende cómo iniciar un huerto escolar para educación, comida y diversión.

  • My Mini Growing Space

    Create your own 'mini' woodland & edible teaching garden! For schools, churches, libraries, communities centres and groups!

  • My Mini Wild Space

    Create a mini meadow, wild space or forest school in your garden. For Schools, Churches, All Community groups

International Day of Play Community Fund UK

ChangeX have teamed up with the LEGO Foundation to launch a $500,000 fund to celebrate International Day of Play.
