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Vi samarbetar med världens främsta sociala entreprenörer för att ge dig mängder av sätt att förbättra ditt lokalsamhälle
  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • The GreenPlan

    Empowering society to tackle climate change

  • Repair Café

    Gratis mötesplatser, som handlar om att reparera saker tillsammans

  • Green Home

    With tips, advice and the Green Home survey, we have made it easy for you to “green” your home.

  • Walks and Talks

    An annual series of walks and talks aimed at connecting us more closely with our community and our place

  • Open Orchard

    Arrangera en Open Orchard för att föra människor samman, tillhandahålla gratis frukt till människor i området och skapa gröna stadsmiljöer.

  • The Last Plastic Straw

    Start a grassroots campaign to reduce and eliminate wasteful plastic straws from our communities.

  • Refill Ireland

    Preventing plastic bottle waste by making free tap water easily obtainable

  • Sick of Plastic

    Empowering communities to take action on single-use plastics

  • Conscious Cup Communities

    Reducing coffee cup waste by engaging businesses

  • Pollinator Plan

    Support biodiversity in your local community with the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.

  • Small Pocket Forest

    Plant a Pocket Forest of 25sqm (5mx5m) in your garden, community or school (Leinster region only)

  • WeCount Project

    Monitor traffic and air pollution in your local community and use the data to create healthier and more sustainable communities.

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Vi har samarbetat med partners för att tillhandahålla den finansiering du behöver för att genomföra effektfulla projekt till ditt närsamhälle
