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Ada Pilihan Untuk Semua Selera

Kami telah bermitra dengan wirausahawan sosial terkemuka di dunia guna menghadirkan berbagai cara untuk meningkatkan komunitas Anda
  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • The GreenPlan

    Empowering society to tackle climate change

  • Green Home

    With tips, advice and the Green Home survey, we have made it easy for you to “green” your home.

  • Walks and Talks

    An annual series of walks and talks aimed at connecting us more closely with our community and our place

  • Open Orchard

    Organise an Open Orchard to bring people together, provide free fruit to local residents and green our urban environments.

  • The Last Plastic Straw

    Start a grassroots campaign to reduce and eliminate wasteful plastic straws from our communities.

  • Refill Ireland

    Preventing plastic bottle waste by making free tap water easily obtainable

  • Sick of Plastic

    Empowering communities to take action on single-use plastics

  • Conscious Cup Communities

    Reducing coffee cup waste by engaging businesses

  • Pollinator Plan

    Support biodiversity in your local community with the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan.

  • WeCount Project

    Monitor traffic and air pollution in your local community and use the data to create healthier and more sustainable communities.

Dana aktif di sekitar Anda

Kami telah bekerja sama dengan para mitra untuk menyediakan dana yang Anda butuhkan untuk mewujudkan proyek-proyek yang berdampak bagi komunitas Anda
