
West London Community Challenge

£121,361 · West London

Des idées testées et du financement pour votre communauté

This £120,000 fund is dedicated to helping you build thriving and sustainable communities in Ealing and across West London

Comment ça fonctionne?
  • Select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Qui peut poser sa candidature?
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live in West London
  • You are an individual, an existing local group, or a community organisation
Ce que vous obtenez
  • Seed funding to start or expand a project
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Explorer des idées d'efficacité éprouvée

Choisissez une idée à lancer dans votre communauté. Voir les termes et conditions.
Ce fonds est fermé aux candidatures. Vous pouvez toujours lancer des idées sans financement ou rechercher d’autres fonds actifs dans votre région pour les poursuivre.
  • My Mini Wild Space

    Create a mini meadow, wild space or forest school in your garden. For Schools, Churches, All Community groups

  • Tiny Forest Tree Keepers

    Community engagement initiatives at Tiny Forests in the United Kingdom

  • FreshWater Watch

    Empowering individuals and communities as citizen scientists to understand, monitor, and protect their local freshwater bodies.

  • STEM Leaders Programme (14-16 years old)

    STEM Leaders encourages learners to inspire, lead and mentor their peers through the creation and delivery of STEM activities and events.

  • My Mini Growing Space

    Create your own 'mini' woodland & edible teaching garden! For schools, churches, libraries, communities centres and groups!

  • Earth Cubs Plogging Clubs

    Introduisez l'éducation au climat, à la durabilité et à l'environnement dans vos écoles locales, et renforcez l'impact sur la communauté avec votre propre club de Plogging !

  • STEM Leaders Programme (11-13 years old)

    STEM Leaders encourages learners to inspire, lead and mentor their peers through the creation and delivery of STEM activities and events.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Discover (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year-olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Explore (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 6-9 year-olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge (IRL/UK)

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) programme in your school or community for 9-16 year-olds.

  • Open Orchard

    Organisez un verger pour rassembler les gens de la communauté, fournir gratuitement des fruits aux habitants de la région et verdir les environnements urbains.

200 ont déjà adhéré à l'initiative

Commencez un projet aujourd'hui

The West London Community Challenge is an opportunity for communities to come together to create thriving communities in Ealing and across West London. We’re excited to support local action across the region and to see the collective impact we can have in building healthier, more sustainable communities.

Richard Ryan
Microsoft Community Affairs Team
