Location icon Tilgængelige midler i nærheden af dig Anvend

Noget for alle

Vi har samarbejdet med verdens førende sociale iværksættere, for at give dig utallige måder at forbedre dit samfund på
  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • Recycle Across America

    Start recycling right with standardized recycling labels for your school that will help you to improve recycling and save your school money.

  • Pop-Up Play Spaces NYC

    Pop-up play spaces provide the joy of unstructured play to the children of NYC.

  • Eartheasy skolehave

    Lær, hvordan du starter en skolehave med henblik på undervisning, spisning og sjov, lige fra at danne en havekomité til at være vært for en "grave-dag" på hele skolen.

  • Lunch Out of Landfills

    Through waste sorts, Sharetables, and education around composting and waste management, students make their school a centre of changing norms around food waste and food redistribution with the guidance of a Staff Champion who receives a stipend and support every step of the way.

  • Neighborhood Forest

    Growing the Indoor Forest – Building, Sharing, and Caring for Indoor Plants

Tilgængelige midler i nærheden af dig

Vi er gået sammen med partnere for at give den finansiering, du har brug for, for at bringe effektfulde projekter til dit samfund
