
Fondo Comunitario Nickelodeon Nuestro Mundo

MEX$1,000,000 | México

Ideas comprobadas y financiamiento para tu comunidad

Nickelodeon believes in the power of kids to create change in themselves, their communities, and the world. Nickelodeon’s Our World helps kids realize their agency and become the changemakers our communities need. This fund, supported by Nickelodeon, is dedicated to empowering kids with resources and support to bring to life projects that might otherwise go unfunded. To celebrate Earth Day, we are accepting applications for projects related to environmental sustainability throughout June. Working with a grown-up co-leader, kids will actively lead these projects and have the chance to shape their communities for the better.

Cómo funciona
  • Together, as a team of kids and grown-ups, select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Quién puede aplicar
  • Your project team has a grown-up and a kid co-leader (aged 6-13)
  • Kids are actively involved in the selection, design, leadership and activation of the project
  • As the lead applicant, you are at least 18 years old
  • You are passionate about empowering kids and helping them shape the future of your community
  • Your project will take place in Mexico.
Lo que obtienes
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea or start your own project
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Explorar ideas

Elige una idea para comenzar en tu comunidad. Ver los términos y condiciones.
El plazo para presentar solicitudes en este fondo ha cerrado. Aún puedes iniciar ideas sin financiación o buscar otros fondos activos en tu área para llevarlas a cabo.
  • Guardianes del Patrimonio Natural

    Desarrollo de habilidades para el conocimiento y cuidado de los sitios de patrimonio natural de nuestro entorno y del planeta.

  • International Coastal Cleanup®

    Ready to #SeaTheChange and organize your own cleanup?

  • Compostaje comunitario

    Evita que los residuos de alimentos de tu comunidad vayan a parar a los vertederos, reduciendo así las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero.

  • Héroes Recicladores

    Los héroes recicladores son quienes cuidan el planeta y protegen el futuro de las generaciones venideras mediante el compromiso con el reciclaje y el cuidado del medio ambiente

At Nickelodeon it has long been our mission to support and empower kids to take an active role in making positive change in their communities. Through the Nickelodeon Our World Mexico Community Fund, we're delighted to help create a movement of kids joining forces with adults to address important community concerns.

Jean Margaret Smith
Senior Vice President, Public Affairs, Nickelodeon
