
Toronto Community Challenge

C$49,970 | City of Toronto & York Region

Ideas probadas y éxitosas. Financiación para tu comunidad local.

This $50,000 fund is dedicated to helping you build thriving and sustainable communities across the city of Toronto & York region

Cómo funciona
  • Select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • Use your project page to complete the 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan
  • Let us know what impact you are having in your community
Quién puede presentar una solicitud
  • You want to start a ChangeX idea to improve your local community
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live in the city of Toronto & York region
  • You are a legally registered nonprofit organization
Qué obtienes
  • Seed funding to start or expand a project
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social impact of your active project

Explorar ideas

Elige una idea para comenzar en tu comunidad. Ver los términos y condiciones.
El plazo de este fondo para presentar solicitudes ha terminado. Aún puedes iniciar ideas sin financiación o buscar otros fondos activos en tu área para llevar a cabo una de estas ideas.
  • Huerto escolar Eartheasy

    Desde lanzar tu comité de jardinería hasta organizar un "día de plantación" en toda la escuela, aprende cómo iniciar un huerto escolar para educación, comida y diversión.

  • FIRST LEGO League España - Challenge

    Organiza un programa STEM en tu escuela o centro para niños de 9 a 14 años

  • FIRST LEGO League España - Discover

    Organiza un programa STEM en tu escuela o centro para niños de 4 a 6 años

  • FIRST LEGO League España - Explore

    Organiza un programa STEM en tu escuela o centro para niños de 6 a 10 años

  • Earth Cubs Plogging Clubs

    Bring climate, sustainability and environmental education into your local schools, and enhance community impact with your own Plogging Club!

  • ER Teens by Earth Rangers

    Earth Rangers will guide you through identifying, planning, and executing an environmental project that will bring positive change to your community.

  • Hora del Código

    Organiza una Hora del Código™ y únete a un movimiento global que introduce a decenas de millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo a las ciencias de la informática.

  • Bola de fracciones

    Fraction Ball repaints the lines on a standard basketball court to help children learn fractions and decimals.

  • Little Free Pantry

    A grassroots movement of neighbors feeding neighbors through the creation of little free pantries.

  • Arboles Frutales

    Habilita un huerto de árboles frutales para unir a las personas y reverdecer nuestros entornos urbanos.

  • Pollinator Partnership

    Invite pollinators to your neighborhood by planting a pollinator friendly habitat in your garden, farm, school, park or just about anywhere!

34 personas ya se han unido al

Empieza algo hoy

The Toronto Community Challenge offers a chance for communities to unite in fostering vibrant and sustainable environments throughout Toronto. We’re excited to support local action across the city of Toronto and York region and to see the collective impact we can have in building healthier, more sustainable communities.

Chad Wesen
Microsoft Community Affairs Team
