Bring together parents and caregivers from your community by starting a meet up to share parenting tips, ideas and play inspiration
Looking after your wellbeing as a parent is so important. Without it you can never be the parent you want to be. It’s been great to be able to share my experience with a community that does not judge. I’m going to continue to create more tips arou...
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Suggested: The meet-up leader will need to commit around 2-3 hours to set up their get togethers. Meet-up members will attend two, one-hour meet-ups in the community, and spend some time in between playing and interacting with the children at home.
More information on how to get started and any resources shared by the Parent Meet-Ups
We’re so excited to invite you to start your own meet-up, to bring together parents and caregivers in your community. Click the 'Start a meet-up' button now to access funding and support!