Cultura e patrimonio

We know that the arts and culture play a crucial role in bringing people of all ages and backgrounds in our our communities together. These ideas will help you to enable culture and creativity in your local area.
  • GIY

    Get together with people in your community and share the joy of growing your own food.

  • SOUP

    Host a regular micro-granting dinner to celebrate and support creative projects in your community.

  • Pop Up Museum

    Bring people together in conversation through stories, art, and objects.

  • Diffondi gioia con i libri

    Distribuisci i bellissimi libri Book Dash ai bambini della tua comunità per portare loro gioia, supportare il loro benessere e la loro felicità e sviluppare il loro futuro: devi solo inviare i file dei nostri libri a una copisteria o a una tipografia e loro faranno il resto!
