
Knockacummer Wind Farm Community Fund - Taur

€18,887 | Taur & 5km radius
Qala umbono

Khetha umbono kuphothifoliyo engezansi ukuze uqale emphakathini wakho, futhi sizokunikeza ulwazi, amathuluzi, ukusekela kanye noxhaso ukuze uqalise.

Hlola imibono
Faka isicelo ngephrojekthi ekhona

Faka isicelo soxhaso ukuze usize ukukhulisa iphrojekthi yakho ekhona noma usebenzise uhlelo lwakho olukhona lwephrojekthi emphakathini wakho.

Faka isicelo ngephrojekthi

Imibono efakazelwe kanye noxhaso lomphakathi wakho

Knockacummer Wind Farm and Greencoat Renewables' commitment to a sustainable future extends beyond the renewable energy they generate. They strive to operate in a responsible and sustainable manner for the benefit of all their stakeholders, including those living close to the wind farms they own. Through this fund you can start a new project or expand an existing project to improve your community, school or neighbourhood.

Isebenza kanjani
  • Select an idea listed below or submit your existing project and register to get your project page
  • If your application is successful, use your project page to complete a 30 Day Challenge
  • Submit a photo and your action plan to let us know what impact you are having in your community
Ubani ongafaka isicelo
  • You live within 10km of Knockacummer Wind Farm and within 5km of Taur
  • You're passionate about building a thriving community where you live
  • You are an individual, an existing local group or a community organization
  • Seed funding to start your selected idea
  • Free starter resource pack, mentorship and technology tools to get started
  • Additional impact funding, once you report back on the social/environmental impact of your active project

Hlola imibono

Khetha umbono ozowuqala emphakathini wakho. Bona imigomo nemibandela.

Faka isicelo ngephrojekthi ekhona

Ingabe unawo owakho umbono noma iphrojekthi ekhona? Hlola i-imigomo nemibandela yenselelo, bese uhambisa iphrojekthi yakho ukuze uthole uxhaso.

Izicelo zamaphrojekthi amasha noma akhona zivalwa ngo 5 May, 2024 .
