Location icon Denmark Community Challenge Подати заявку

Щось для кожного

Ми співпрацюємо з найкращими соціальними підприємцями світу, щоб запропонувати вам незліченну кількість способів покращити свою громаду
  • FIRST LEGO League - Discover

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) programme in your school or community for 4-6 year olds.

  • FIRST® LEGO League - Explore

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 6–10 year olds

  • FIRST LEGO League - Challenge

    Lead a hands-on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programme in your school or community for 9-14 year olds

  • Let Grow Play Club

    Start your own Play Club, and unleash the power of unstructured play!

  • День Гри

    Ігрова подія в громадах, яка відзначає навички, ресурси та особистості, притаманні людям, що живуть і грають там.

  • Coding Pirates Game Jam

    Codin Pirates Game Jam is a competition where children and young people, aged 10-17, compete over 24 hours to develop and code the coolest game.

  • Coding Pirates Club

    Coding Pirates is an organization that offers club evenings for children and young people, aged 7-17, with Play, Creativity, Technology.

Denmark Community Challenge

ChangeX & Microsoft have teamed up to launch a community fund to help you bring new projects to your neighbourhood

  • Denmark Community Challenge

    Apply for between 4,000 - 40,000 kr to help start community wellbeing projects in your community
