We were only able to meet with one of our team members, but it was quite effective. There was a synergetic effect. It is amazing what two people can accomplish when they are in sync with each other.
We need to meet weekly for the first couple of weeks on Blue Jeans, Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm. Continue to reach out to other members and keep inviting people to join.
Write out specifics of the plan, including how the Jeremiah Project will feed in to Seniors Moving with a Purpose.
Have all members review the Ted Talk video "Cycling without Age".
Contact the owners of Greencastle Morgan Park/Beverly senior living community to solidify a relationship to provide rides for the seniors there and look at the possibility for assistance for funding for the Trishaw Cycles.
Continue to work with young men 16-25 through Common-Unity Partnership to prepare them for community service projects, including providing rides for Seniors Moving with a Purpose.
Utilize $2,500 for seed money for the first Trishaw Cycle and work with Ole Kassow of Cycling without age on other funding ideas in addition to working with the team to explore funding ideas.
Provide the first Trishaw ride by April 21st and continue with fund raising with the goal of having 3 Trishaw cycles to expand services to other neighboring senior living facilities.