Location icon Tilgængelige midler i nærheden af dig Anvend

Noget for alle

Vi har samarbejdet med verdens førende sociale iværksættere, for at give dig utallige måder at forbedre dit samfund på
  • Ocean Wise Shoreline Cleanup

    Every piece of litter cleaned from our shores is one less in the ocean. Ocean Wise has galvanized 1 million people for shoreline cleanups, join us and be a part of something positive for our ocean!

  • ER Teens by Earth Rangers

    Earth Rangers will guide you through identifying, planning, and executing an environmental project that will bring positive change to your community.

  • CoderDojo

    Teach kids in your community to code in a fun and collaborative environment

Tilgængelige midler i nærheden af dig

Vi er gået sammen med partnere for at give den finansiering, du har brug for, for at bringe effektfulde projekter til dit samfund
