Growing your own food is one of the healthiest and most satisfying things to do.Sometimes frustrating, sometimes rewarding. Our group has spend many years exchanging our experiences at a monthly meeting, sharing crops, tips, seeds, chatter and laughter. This has come to an end around oct/nov. 2018, partly due to insurance issues, partly due to members being busy elsewhere. GIY Tuam no longer exists as a group in the real world.
Growing your own food is one of the healthiest and most satisfying things to do.Sometimes frustrating, sometimes rewarding. Our group has spend many years exchanging our experiences at a monthly meeting, sharing crops, tips, seeds, chatter and laughter. This has come to an end around oct/nov. 2018, partly due to insurance issues, partly due to members being busy elsewhere. GIY Tuam no longer exists as a group in the real world.
Monique Augustin