Location icon Fondi attivi vicino a te Fai domanda

Qualcosa per tutti

Collaboriamo con i migliori imprenditori sociali in tutto il mondo per offrirti molti modi per migliorare le tue comunità.
  • Irish Men's Shed

    Provide a space in your community where men can find meaning, friendship and belonging

  • Siel Bleu

    Through exercise, increase the independence and quality of life of older people in your community

  • Repair Café

    Organise a free meeting place in your community to repair things instead of throwing them away.

  • Poetry in the Park

    Organize a regular community gathering in your local area to celebrate a love of the written or spoken word.

  • Community Fridge

    Avvia il progetto di un frigorifero comunitario nella tua comunità, per conservare e condividere del buon cibo che altrimenti andrebbe sprecato.

  • Neighbourhood Network

    Neighbourhood Network creates an opportunity for neighbours to connect and work together to support, strengthen and celebrate their communities

  • Murals for Communities

    Using mural art to build and nurture creative communities

  • Community Host Programme

    The Open Community engages and supports people in Ireland to welcome refugees into their local communities.

  • DIY Radio - Radio Local Broadcasters Club

    Welcome to Radio Local Broadcasters Club where you get to make a radio show, harnessing the skills to do so and celebrating where you are from.

Fondi attivi vicino a te

Abbiamo collaborato con alcuni partner per fornire i finanziamenti necessari a realizzare progetti di grande impatto nella tua comunità.
